Thursday, January 31, 2013

Okay Okay Its Time

I know I haven't posted like I should, but I have been waiting for the timing to be just right and here we are.  My life has completely turned itself upside down in the past 3 years and I can honestly say without hesitation that it was all for the better.  As of January 18, 2013 Ryleigh is officially a Small.  Her biological father decided to do what was best for her and allow Kelly to legally become her daddy.  It took an entire year to get to this point, but all of the blood sweat and tears ( lots of tears) have finally paid off.  And guess what.... the moment we walked out of the court room, I could feel the weight lifted off of my shoulders.   A weight that has been dragging me down for far too long.  My wonderful husband has helped me carry that weight for the past year and I couldn't be more thankful for his patience and love.  I have felt every emotion possible throughout the past 3 years and suddenly it was gone.  I feel like I can finally start to heal and become the person I was meant to be.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

March Madness...

March brought great things!  Tax season is officially over which makes everyone in my house smile!  Kelly I were able to take a relaxing trip to Denver Colorado.  Thanks to my wonderful mother-in-law Nancy, sister Holly, and my mom we went all by ourselves!! On the drive up we listened to a book on tape that Kelly and I are in love with.  When we drove into the city, I noticed that the Broadway play Wicked was in Denver for the next few days.  I mentioned how I had loved the book, and Kelly immediately found the last two tickets  for the show! I know I'm spoiled!  It was even better than I imagined.   We stayed right on 16th street mall, and had so much fun shopping and people watching.  We ate delicious food, stayed in an awesome hotel, and I even found two Alice in Wonderland books from an antique bookstore to add to my collection. 

 Kelly has been busy working on our yard. I've never thought too much about yard work, but I'm finding a deep love for getting my hands dirty! Pulling weeds, raking, and planting is so relaxing!!! Who knew??  I love sitting in the grass watching as Grace, Glory, and Ryleigh play an imaginative game, Kelly working in our salsa garden and the sun shining!  Its my little slice of Heaven. 

 Unfortunately, Kelly works away from home every 2 weeks and Grace and Glory stay with their mom during that time.  It never really feels like home when the house is so empty.  I'm grateful to have Ry Ry with me, and I'm grateful my husband has a stable job that allows us to be comfortable, but dang it I miss everyone!!! 

To make matters more interesting I'm beyond baby hungry!! Most likely brought on by everyone I know being pregnant! I know its not the right time for us, being newly married and having so many significant changes coming our way, but its hard not to long for a sweet little baby to hold in my arms.  I've been praying for patience, and need to exercise some faith that it will happen when the time is right.

For now I'll enjoy my little family's company.... when I have them! I love these three girls with all my heart! And of course my hunk of a man!!! 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Love is a many splendid thing....

Love lifts us up to where we belong.... All you need is love.....
(Mulon Rouge)
I know I haven't blogged in ages, (not that I was that dedicated before) but there is so much happening right now, and not much I can put into words. Suffice it to say, "its all good in the hood" :) Soon I will have lots to blog about, but some of the happenings will just have to wait.

First off, I feeling amazingly blessed. I never knew I could be so happy and feel so loved. Kelly is absolutely amazing and is a dream to be married to. I come home and the girls are happy and laughing and dinner is always on the table waiting for me. What can I say, Im spoiled and I love it. Work for me has been very draining and I'm definitely struggling with tax season. 55 hours a week and I'm still not putting in the hours my boss would like me to. Kelly has been so supportive and we are counting down to the end of this EVIL season.

Kelly is working his two weeks a month straight and is pretty much awake the entire time. I don't know how he keeps all of the information in his head straight but he does a great job and I'm always proud of him. His two weeks home is always a party and we have so much fun as a family. He cooks he cleans he plays with the kids and we have so much fun watching chopped and the Walking Dead, sitting in the hot tub, and occasionally going on dates! (Thanks Nanna and Grammy!) We recently purchased Kindle Fires for both of us and started reading the hunger games series. Kelly also just received his first church calling. He will be teaching the 14 and 15 year old sunday school. He is going to do great!

Grace is a busy 11 year old who fills her time with watching her new puppy Molly, playing wizard 101 and playstation 2, and helping with her little sisters. She is currently reading the 2nd book in the hunger games and loves it. We are constantly proud of what an amazing girl she is. She is so much fun to be around. She just had one of her first slumber birthday parties and for some reason it was really hard for me to let her go. It was only down the street but apparently I'm a bit overprotective. What can I say I love the girl! She loves monster high dolls and la la loopsy and any book she can get her hands on.

Glory just turned 6 this month and we celebrated with friends and family an amazing Princess Castle birthday cake and Big Bounce. She had a blast and got every toy she could have wanted! The night before, Kelly and I were up wrapping presents and I told him there was no way she would like the monster high doll he picked out for her and lo and behold it was her favorite toy of the year! Daddy knows his little girl. She is Kelly completely, personality and all. It always amazes me how she tries to negotiate her way out of every bed time, and always tries for one more story at night. I love our story times together. She is such a sweetheart.

Ryleigh is an active toddler who is busy and into everything. She loves her new puppy molly and any baby she can find. She is obbsessed with swaddling, diapering, shh shhing and rocking her babies and gets very irritated when you don't wrap her baby just right. She loves her Montessori school and her teacher Ms. Laura. Her favorite things to do are kiss us on the cheeks, read her book about Prophets, daddies dark chocolate M&Ms and Hot cocoa. This silly little phrase fits our baby perfectly, "When she is sweet she is very very sweet, and when she is naughty she is very very naughty." :) Today at church, a very sweet girl gave me some words of wisdom that I think I will print and put on my fridge. She said, "You will NEVER win a fight with a two year old."

Molly, is our new addition. She is an 11 week old Schnocker. Half Schnauzer and half Cocker Spaniel. She is very sweet and beautiful and also just like a toddler. Ryleigh and Molly fight constantly. :)

All in all we are extremely blessed. The meshing of our families is going wonderfully and I couldn't image my life without all three of my beautiful children and their amazing father. I heard a quote once by one of our prophets that said, "The greatest thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother" I am lucky that my husband has taken that to heart. His girls know that their father loves me. I know its a very long post, but its important for me to count my blessings. I never knew I could love someone so deeply and I'm grateful to my Heavenly Father for allowing me to have the greatest blessing I could have asked for.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

New Beginnings and Elephant Shoes

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending. "

Kelly and I met and became instant friends! And isn't that the best way to start any relationship? Our instant friendship became a fun crush which transformed into love and here we are! We are joining our families together on December 31st and we can't wait!!! What can I say... We Heart Each other's Faces!!!
Our ending is gonna Rock!